Well gaming fans, it’s your man 0dinson… Yes, that’s correct. I am actually taking a page from our boy Gee’s book and carrying out a little T.L.C. on a handheld console from our collection that’s feeling a little under the weather.

First, we had the PSP. That was a handheld with one epic catalog of games and movies. That’s right, there were movies on those little UMDs. The PSP also brought us the epic prequel to Final Fantasy 7 in the form of Crisis Core (still one of my favorites to this day).

In 2009, five years after the initial launch of the classic handheld. Sony released the PSP Go. A significantly smaller form factor but lacking somewhere for physical media… That’s right, during its lifetime there was only one legit method of playing games on the PSP Go. Downloading them from the Playstation store!

Of course, that also limits the amount of games you’re able to install at one time based on the size of memory card you have installed. You know where this is leading… Enter the M2 card. A rather silly, little, and rather expensive memory card. Available in 64 MB, 128 MB, 256 MB, 512 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB, 4 GB, 8 GB, and 16 GB capacities.

Fellow Terror-Byte Gaming admin Zeit sent this little guy over to HQ for me to tinker with. After a few years, the internal battery inevitably failed and the little PSP Go was shelved… Until this was spotted on eBay!

Behold! The whopping 930mAh replacement battery for the PSP Go. Trumping the original battery by a whole 100mAh!

Time to tear down and get this battery installed.

Not much holding this guy together, just four screws. Time to break out the Wowstick and get that back cover off.

The only thing holding the battery in place is a little warranty void if removed sticker (think that may have expired) and the connection with the logic board itself. Disconnected the old battery was the only thing that could have been considered difficult.

*Note to self* take photos when the repair has actually been completed! The cables for the replacement battery were tucked away neatly to allow for the back cover to be reinstalled.

That was painless! I later discovered the iFixit guide for this repair and they have it listed as 15 minutes and Moderate. Would dare say this is easier than moderate. Right! Time for some juice.

Time to wrap this up and get back to some games! So, If you happen to have a PSP Go tucked away in a drawer, it is surprisingly simple and only £14 to replace the battery to bring this little handheld system back to life.

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